Why you should ask for a CLG before you buy property

By Liliana Elena Gonzalez

There are a huge amount of owners selling their own properties, so now, more than ever before, you should be aware of the minimum paperwork that needs to be gathered to protect your investment.  One of those papers is the CLG, and trust me, it will save you future “headaches”.

CLG  is “certificado de libertad de gravámenes” (means certificate of free liens) and it is issued by Registro Público de la Propiedad (public recording office). CLG will certify that the property you intent to buy is free and clear of any leans or it will show all the encumbrances or any other reason why you should not buy it.

Any person could ask for a CLG. You need the owner´s name, deed´s number, registry and book number. All this info is in the deed (get a copy from the owner). The procedure is as follows:

1.- Fill out the form and present it at the Registro Publico.

2.- Pay the fee. See the type of services and fees here

3.- Return the receipt and the form.

4.- They will tell you when to pick up your CLG.

If you pay for extra urgent service “servicio extraurgente” it will be ready the same day at about 3 pm, otherwise it could take from one week to 10 days.

RPP (Registro Público de la Propiedad) is located at:

Avenue Heroes de Nocupetaro 888, colonia Industrial, 58130 Morelia, Mich.

My final advice:  the only way to have your interests & your investment protected is by having attorney representation, all the way in the purchase process.

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0 Thoughts to “Why you should ask for a CLG before you buy property”

  1. […] other activities, Registro Publico de la Propiedad issues “Certificado de Libertad de Gravámen” (certificate of free liens) which is one of the most important documents you must have […]

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